3rd Fire District
As of December 2022, the Central City Fire Department became the 3rd District Fire Department when The City of Central City and the Third Fire District updated their agreement from a 50/50 responsibility of the fire department to the Linn County 3rd Fire District taking 100% responsibility of the fire department and The City of Central City contracting fire protection through the District. We may have updated our name, but a lot of the same faces are still around, the history, knowledge and pedigree are still there. We are looking forward to the future of the department and are excited to continue to serve Central City and the Linn County 3rd Fire District!
Central City is located 20 miles north of Cedar Rapids, IA on State Hwy 13. We cover the Linn County Third Fire District which is approximately 90 sq miles and is the largest district in Linn county. Central City Fire is equipped with 2 Engines, 2 Tankers, 1 Brush Truck, 2 Medical/Rescue Vehicles and 1 Utility Vehicle.
The 3rd Fire District’s Officers consist of our Chief, 2 Assistant Chief, 2 Captains and 3 Lieutenants. 3FD responds to all types of emergencies including: Fires, Medical calls, Vehicle extractions, Haz-mat calls, Ice/water rescue emergencies, storm watches, and any others that may arise.